Pulse Gets Personal – The Raphaelle Edition!

Pulse Gets Personal – The Raphaelle Edition!

Next up on our ‘Pulse Gets Personal’ series is Raphaelle Desvaux de Marigny! Raph is our amazing intern, our go-to girl for anything and everything ESPECIALLY our creative, editing and media work. Here is a little about her…


Tell us you story of how you got into recruitment.

I needed to do an internship of 5 months for my school, and I started to look at the HR jobs and I find the recruiting field interesting. Doing an internship is a great way to know if I can see myself in the Recruitment field later.

What inspires you to go to work every day?

Learning something new.

Let’s Go!

Full Name: Raphaelle Desvaux de Marigny

Nickname: Raph, Rafi, Rapha…

Hometown: Baie du Cap, Mauritius

Currently Residing In: Darlington, Sydney

Occupation at Pulse Recruitment: Intern

Siblings: 2 sisters

Pets: 2 dogs and 1 cat

How you spend your spare time: I have just arrived in Sydney with my sister and best friend, so we try to make the most a Sydney before going back.

Regularly playing on your Spotify: Candy – Paolo Nutini

Breakfast meal of choice before the workday: Fruits, especially mango and passion fruit

Favourite holiday destination: Mauritius with my friends

Dream travel destination (have not visited as yet): Really want to go to South America – especially Peru and Chili

Currently reading: Becoming – Michelle Obama

Favourite film: Captain Fantastic by Matt Ross

Favourite food: Thai food

What three things can you not live without? Friends, family and the sea

Who’s your idol (and why?): My grandfather, he is a source of inspiration and he motivates me to do my best all the time.

Do you have any hidden talents? I don’t think so.

What makes you the happiest? Spending time with my friends and family

Name one cool thing on your bucket list: Skydiving in Sydney! Need to do that before I leave.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Can I Say Happy? 😉

Best piece of advice you’ve ever heard (or been given): “Be true to yourself and the world will be true to you”

Rapid Fire

Red Wine or White? Definitely red wine

Mountains or beach? 100% Beach

Country or city? Country

Dogs, Cats or Reptiles? Dogs

Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn? Summer, always!

Until next time…

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