Pulse Gets Personal – The Maarten de Vrijer Edition!

Pulse Gets Personal – The Maarten de Vrijer Edition!

Next up on our ‘Pulse Gets Personal’ series is Maarten de Vrijer! Maarten is our guru in anything and everything recruitment! Here is a little about him…

Tell us you story of how you got into recruitment.

My father has his own recruitment company. I always liked his stories about recruitment and decided to learn international business & sales and now international business & entrepreneurship.

What inspires you to go to work every day?

The future.

Let’s Go!

Full Name: Maarten de Vrijer

Hometown: Rotterdam, Netherlands

Currently Residing In: Sydney

Occupation at Pulse Recruitment: Recruitment Intern

Siblings: One sister

Pets: Dog (German pointer)

How you spend your spare time: Studying, reading, participating in sports (soccer, skiing, gym) and with spending time with friends

Regularly playing on your Spotify: Techno and R&B

Breakfast meal of choice before the workday: Yogurt

Dream travel destination (have not visited as yet): South America

Currently reading: At the moment nothing. However recently I read; ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ and ’50 Success Classics’.

Favourite film: ‘The Big Short’ and ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’

Favourite food: Asian food

Do you have any hidden talents? People knowledge

What makes you the happiest? Travelling and completing my goals

Name one cool thing on your bucket list: Bungee jumping

What do you want to be when you grow up? Taking over my father’s Company

Best piece of advice you’ve ever heard (or been given): Never give up, have patience and think tactically.

Rapid Fire

Red Wine or White? Red

Mountains or beach? Both

Country or city? Both

Dogs, Cats or Reptiles? Dogs

Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn? Winter and Summer

Until next time...

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