Pulse Gets Personal – The Patrick Ormsby Edition!

Pulse Gets Personal – The Patrick Ormsby Edition!

Next up on our ‘Pulse Gets Personal’ series is Patrick Ormsby! Pat is the latest addition to the Pulse team as our Candidate Manager. He has quickly made a positive impact to the team. Here is a little about him…

Tell us you story of how you got into recruitment.

After a couple of serious injuries I couldn’t pursue Muay Thai or soccer as a career. A close friend of mine suggested Recruitment given that I love to sell and have a passion for new business development. After gaining years of sales experience I started recruitment over a year ago within the IT market. Since then, I have never looked back!

What inspires you to go to work every day?

My foster parents and girlfriend push me to do the best I can so one day I can give them the world back.

Let’s Go!

Full Name: Patrick Ormsby

Nickname: Pat

Hometown: Belgrade – Bangkok

Currently Residing In: Sydney

Occupation at Pulse Recruitment: Candidate Manager

Siblings: I have a young step-brother and sister and three elder step-sisters

Pets: None at the moment, although I really want a Doberman

How you spend your spare time: Training in Muay Thai / MMA and spending time with family, friends and my partner

Regularly playing on your Spotify: Tupac Shakur all day!

Breakfast meal of choice before the workday: Avo on toast with pepper and lemon of course!

Favourite holiday destination: Belgrade, Serbia

Dream travel destination (have not visited as yet): Maldives which I plan to go within the next 2 years

Currently reading: Not much of a reader, can never sit still

Favourite film: Wolf of Wall Street

Favourite food: Sarma (Rice and minced meat wrapped in cabbage or vine leaves)

What three things can you not live without? My family, girlfriend and Spotify

Who’s your idol (and why?): Conor McGregor – followed him before the UFC and to watch someone come from nothing to how successful he has become now, motivates me in all aspects of life; from work, gym, family and personal development

Do you have any hidden talents? Is being double jointed one?

What makes you the happiest? Spending time with my family, friend and partner

Name one cool thing on your bucket list: Maldives

What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to have a successful recruitment career

Best piece of advice you’ve ever heard (or been given): “There is no such thing as talent, it’s all hard work, it’s an obsession. Talent does not exist, we are all human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top, and that’s that. I am not talented. I am obsessed. – Conor MsGregor

Rapid Fire

Red Wine or White? Neither

Mountains or beach? Beach

Country or city? City

Dogs, Cats or Reptiles? Dogs!!!

Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn? Winter is the best!

Until next time…

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